R.P. Infantino is a published writer of essays, poetry, short stories, novellas, songs, and more. R.P. Infantino

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The Beautiful TreeEvery Soldiers Lament Yard SaleWhat Comes Next?
To The DoubtersThe Man I Long To BeThe Fall of DaedalusDrew

What Comes Next?
by R.P. Infantino

What comes next when baby is born?
Will she grow bitter with the world
And feel the ache of deep despair?
Or will she heal mankind’s pained souls
And feed the world peace and kindness?

What comes next when school is ended?
Will she feel swamped with useless facts
And find learning is not her want?
Or will she solve the great riddle
And find meaning to our lonely lives?

What comes next when work is secured?
Will she see her job as mindless
And each day feel empty and void?
Or will she manage the firm to
Great heights, high gains, and huge success?

What comes next when wedding bells ring?
Will she meet with abuse and lies
And lose faith in the holy bond?
Or will she find a faithful love
To be with always till her end?

What comes next when children are born?
Will their lives be dismal and bleak
To the point of waste, ruin, death?
Or will they heal mankind's pained souls
And feed the world peace and kindness?

What comes next when Death comes calling?
Will she fight hard her unlived life?
Or will she go with willing ease
Sure she lived with love and virtue
And find endless peace as is her due?

"The Man is at Sea (after Demont-Breton)" by Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh
Copyright © 2023 by R.P. Infantino